Worship Services
(Note: By registering for in-person services you are recognizing the risk of contracting COVID-19.)
Join us for in-Person Worship
Sundays | 9:00 a.m. | Sanctuary
Join us for in-person worship. RSVP's required with only 50 people in attendance. If you sign up you are included in the attendees. Social distancing, masks, hand sanitizer and temperature check will be required. Volunteers are needed to help usher, serve as liturgist, and share a children's sermon. CONTACT the church office if you have questions.
Note: By registering for in-person services you are recognizing the risk of contracting COVID-19.
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Join us for Live-streamed Worship
Sundays | 9 a.m.
Worship from the comfort of your home. Click the buttons below to learn more about connecting virtually through worship at Mission del Sol.
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LiveStream Worship
Join us each Sunday for worship from the comfort of your home! You can watch worship live on Facebook by clicking the below link or the video of Sunday's service is posted after 11:30 A.M. on our website. Find any worship aids including children's bulletins on our website with each worship service.
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At the heart of Mission del Sol's Christian Education programs are learning and growing through Bible-centered lessons, mission activities and Christian fellowship. Our Bible-centered approach encourages Children, of all ages, to grow with each lesson and take home their faith journey to share with their families and the world around them. We provide multiple opportunities throughout the year for children to grow along their faith journey.
Sunday School
Preschool -6th grade
We use the Holy Moly curriculum.
Each Holy Moly lesson is divided into four equally important parts:
- Discover – Introduce kids to the Bible story characters and begin to discover the story by watching an animated Bible story video.
- Relate – Discuss what surprised them, what makes them wonder, and how they feel about the story they just saw.
- Connect – Open Bibles and explore the day’s story.
- Create – Imagine and reflect on the Bible story through hands-on activities or games using their learner leaflet.
cherub club
3 year olds thru 2nd grade
Our Cherubs attend the beginning of the church service with their parents and following the children's sermon may attend Cherub Club. Cherub Club offers them a bible lesson, prayer, snack and activity time.
Mission Activities
offer a variety of mission projects for families to participate throughout the
year. Some of the organizations that we have helped, Family promise, making
sandwiches for the east valley mens shelter, filling blessing bags or bottles
to hand out to the homeless, Feed My Starving Children and many more.
Traveling Day Camp
Kindergarten through 5th grade
Montlure Traveling Day Camp is a week long program that is held in the summer annually. The day camp is an outreach program Montlure Presbyterian Church Camp jointly conducted with local congregations. Traveling Day Camp provides a unique blend of outdoor and congregational ministry.
About Presbyterians
At the core of Presbyterian identity is a secure hope in the grace of God in Jesus Christ, a hope that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, empowers us to live lives of gratitude: “In affirming with the earliest Christians that Jesus is Lord, the Church confesses that he is its hope, and that the Church, as Christ’s body, is bound to his authority and thus free to live in the lively, joyous reality of the grace of God.” (Book of Order F-1.0204)
This strong emphasis on the grace of God in Jesus Christ is our heritage from the founder of the Reformed tradition, John Calvin.
The Greek word “presbuteros” meaning “elder”, used 72 times in the New Testament, provided the name for the Presbyterian family of churches which includes the Reformed churches of the world, both names designating churches of the Calvinist tradition. The Presbyterian Church (USA) is distinctly a confessional and connectional church, distinguished by the representation of elders, laymen and laywomen, in its government. Presbyterians are Believers and Doers.
WE BELIEVE in the Great Ends of the Church, as set forth in our Book of Order: “the proclamation of the Gospel for the salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.”
WE BELIEVE in the theology of mission, as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith. “… Christ hath commissioned his Church to go into all the world and to make disciples of all nations. All believers are therefore under obligation… to contribute by their prayers, gifts, and personal efforts to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ throughout the whole earth.”
WE DO mission and its related functions in “good Presbyterian order” through the structures of our General Assembly, synods, presbyteries and local churches which provide accountability in a connectional system.
6th - 12th Grade
Christians, Ready, Eager and Willing
During the academic year, our lively youth CREW meets twice a month on Sunday from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm in room 101. The evenings vary, and may include dinner, games, fellowship and discussions. Once a month, this CREW will participate in either a mission opportunity to serve others or an off-campus fun activity. Bring a friend and be ready for FUN!
Youth urban Mission Trip
6th - 12th Grade
Every summer the Youth have the opportunity to participate in the Youth Urban Mission Trip. The Youth stay at the church. We transform Mission Hall into our Home base where the youth eat, sleep and have daily devotions. The youth participate in local mission activities across the valley. The days and evening are filled with mission projects and we usually end the week with a fun activity. It is a very fun and rewarding experience for everyone that participates.
Montlure Church Camp
4th - 12th grade
Overnight Church Camp provided by Monture Presbyterian Camp is for youth entering grades 4 though 12th grade. Montlure provides a Christ-centered camp and provides a safe place for children and youth to connect with one another and help each camper to connect and explore their faith. This is a fun and unique opportunity for all who participate. While Montlure has been displaced due to the Wallow Fire, we have discovered that Montlure is not a location, but is a community of past, present, and future campers bonded together with common purpose.
Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church that occurs every three years. Thousands of youth delegates from around the word attend this gathering. Mission del Sol encourages, supports and sends high school age delegates from our congregation to the Presbyterian Youth Triennium.
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Foster kids
CPES helps provide foster care for children ages 0-17. They also provide adoption certificates and childcare throughout our communities.
Our congregation choose cards off of a Christmas tree each year with children's info and a gift list. Then we buy gifts and wrap them up! The Deacons provide an annual Christmas party and dinner for the foster families with Santa and his Elf in attendance!
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