stewardship Packet
When Jesus sent out the disciples, He told them to proclaim the Good News, support the needs of the community and remind them “freely you have received; freely give” (Matthew 10:8). He was inviting the community to give generously because Jesus came in love to be with us, to bring healing to our hurts, guidance in life’s toughest challenges, and salvation for all. It is in response to this statement that we come to you with our 2024 Stewardship Campaign. We want to freely give as followers of Jesus without the fears that hold our world back from living into this freedom found in Christ.
God freely gives to us, and now we ask that you freely give to the church. Our budget has increased primarily due to insurance costs, property maintenance, programming and staff raises. But these costs have been offset by debt reduction (thanks to the success of the Vision Campaign) and new rental income. We hope that you can continue to give generously as you have previously, so that we can meet our budget and have funds to freely serve as God has called.
Below you will find a brochure with more information about the life and ministries you can get involved in, a virtual pledge card, and an At A Glance Calendar of this year’s programs. Please save the dates on your family calendar. Come on October 22nd with your pledge and on October 29th to sign up at the Time and Talent Fair following Worship. Thank you for prayerfully considering your commitments to next year’s ministries!
You are invited to the
time and Talents Fair
October 29 | 10:30 a.m. | courtyard
Find out how you can have enough to share your time and talents here at Mission del Sol and in the community at one event. Walk around to different tables and learn how you have enough to serve, grow, connect and give. All ages are encouraged to come and sign up to share one of your gifts of time and talents. There are a few ideas below to get the ideas flowing. For questions, contact the office.
2024 Finanical Commitment
to Christ Through Mission del Sol