Stewardship Packet

In Ephesians 3:19, Paul prays for believers to “be filled with every measure of all the fullness of God.” When we are filled with the fullness of God every aspect of our being is overflowing with the love and grace that comes from Jesus Christ. This means that everything we have—our time, talents, financial resources, and even our very lives—flows from God’s fullness. Living a full life, then, is about using our blessings not just for our own benefit, but for God’s purpose of filling others up. It is in response to this statement that we come to you with our 2025 Stewardship Campaign. As followers of Jesus, we want to fully give out of the profound love and grace we’ve received. 

In 2024, we fulfilled our budget and stayed within our giving even with $45,000 of extra maintenance projects. God filled up us with the ability to hire Jessica Pisarski, our new Family Ministry Coordinator which is really exciting for our family ministries! We worked on fulfilling the goal of deepening our community within and beyond the congregation which we have extended into 2025. And we were able to serve our community every week of the year! Thank you for your faithfulness and continued support for the ministry and mission of Mission del Sol!

We are in the middle of our final two-year Vision Campaign to pay down the mortgage. We thank you for your pledges totaling $222,430 of the $300,000 goal for this campaign throughout 2024-2025. The contributions received are split: 80% to mortgage reduction, 10% to mission projects, and 10% to property maintenance. We anticipate another payment to further reduce our principal balance in December 2024. 

Casa del Sol Affordable Housing Inc (501c3), our non-profit focused on affordable housing in the East Valley has been active for just over a year! We are working on funding for our first project. If you have not already given your Charitable Tax Credit, we encourage you to give to Casa del Sol. God is fulfilling the plans for permanent supportive housing in the East Valley through our community. If you have interest in learning more, please contact us. 

God fills us up, and now we ask that you fill up the church with your time, talents and financial resources. Our budget has increased primarily due to property maintenance, increasing our mission giving to nine percent, and staff raises. These costs have been offset by debt reduction (thanks to the success of the Vision Campaign). We hope that you can continue to give generously as you have previously, so that we can meet our budget and have funds to fill up our community with the love and grace of God. 

Included with this letter, you will find a brochure with more information about the life and ministries you can get involved in, a pledge card, and an At A Glance Calendar of this year’s programs. Please save the dates on your family calendar and attend the events that fill us up! Come on October 20th with your pledge card and on October 27th to sign up at the Time and Talent Fair following Worship. Thank you for prayerfully considering your commitments to next year’s ministries!

Stewardship Letter

Stewardship Brochure

2024-2025 At-a-Glance Calendar

In July of 2023 Casa del Sol Affordable Housing received a 501c3 status. Since then the housing situation has only gotten worse. The Board has been networking, applying for grants, and accepting donations. After lots of prayer and discernment, our first project will be purchasing a home near Mission del Sol for a family or group of individuals who qualify for housing vouchers.

We need your help in two ways:

  • Spread the word about this important mission to provide housing.
  • Give to Casa del Sol through the dollar for dollar Charitable Tax Credit. Our giving number is: QCO code 22656. You can give up to $470 for a single, married filing separate or head of household; $938 married filing jointly.

We can’t wait to see how many lives will be touched by the call of this community. Contact Susan Hernandez, Mike Herrmann or Pastor Kelsy for how you can get involved.

You are invited to the

time and Talent Fair

October 27  |  10:30 a.m.  |  courtyard

Find out how you can have enough to share your time and talents here at Mission del Sol and in the community at one event. Walk around to different tables and learn how you have enough to serve, grow, connect and give. All ages are encouraged to come and sign up to share one of your gifts of time and talents. There are a few ideas below to get the ideas flowing. For questions, contact the office.

2025 Finanical Commitment

to Christ Through Mission del Sol