Since we cannot meet in person for Sunday school, we are delivering monthly lessons for families to do together. Click on the image below to read our curriculum and let the church office know if you would like a delivery for next month! Families are enjoying the devotions, activities and games to play together and we hope you do too!
Take -Out Sunday school
September Lesson | God is Gracious, We are Kind
God shows us grace when we make mistakes and He forgives us. We also see grace when receive something from God that we don't deserve. The response to God's grace is to show kindness to others. We often talk about kindness as an action we should show other people. Sometimes it isn't always easy to be kind especially to when others are not kind to us. Jesus reminds us that our kindness towards others is an example of the graciousness of God.
August Lesson | Characteristics of God and US
When I say "God" what do you think about? What images come to mind? We talk about God a lot at church and sometimes we pray to God but WHO is our God? Character is the things that describe us (kind, thoughtful, leader, strong, etc.). We share many of these characteristics with God because He made us out of His image. He also has some characteristics that are unique to God alone. This month we are going to invite you and your family to learn more about God's and your own characteristics.