This summer we are going on a roadtrip of love to remind us what it means to be love in the world. There are a lot of hard things happening—war, gun violence, health issues, relationship challenges. Through the book of 1 John we will work to answer: What does it mean to be love to others in the midst of it? How can we live into being God's beloved people? What is love? We hope you join us in worship and some of the fun activities found below!
Adventures with Sunny
Introducing M.D. Sol, nicknamed "Sunny", our Church mascot. Close to the sun and close to God, Sunny joins us to help us have some fun this summer! Use the glasses included to take Sunny on adventures. Check out our slideshow of all the places Sunny goes with us this summer. They could be close by or far away. Send in your photos to and we will post them to Facebook and this page throughout the summer with this hashtag. #sunnyssummeradventures Be creative and have fun.
Road Trip Playlist
While you are out driving, listen to our Road Trip Playlist found on Spotify. Listen by clicking below.
Road trip bingo
Listen to Sunday Worship online or in person and cross off each word you hear. Can make bingo! Turn in your card to Pastor Kelsy for a prize.
Join us in Worship In person and Online
Gather with your Mission del Sol community for worship each Sunday at 9:30 am in the sanctuary, on our Facebook page, or on website. Click the links to join virtually from wherever your summer adventures take you!
June 25 • BeLOVE(d) Fellowship • 1 John 1:1-10
July 2 • BeLOVE(d) Command • 1 John 2:1-17
July 9 • BeLOVE(d) Truth • 1 John 2:18-27
July 16 • BeLOVE(d) People • 1 John 2:28-3:24
July 23 • BeLOVE(d) Life • 1 John 4:1-21
July 30 • BeLOVE(d) Gospel • 1 John 5:1-12
August 6 • BeLOVE(d) Confidence • 1 John 5:13-21