Many years ago, the Session leadership of Mission del Sol established a commission on Social Justice. The commission was to identify opportunities where Mission del Sol, as a church community, could support and promote the respect of individual human life. Jesus Christ put the dignity of people who are oppressed at the center of his ministry and attended to their needs for health, economic well-being and freedom.
The session has announced that our marquee will include a message next week in support of the Black community. The intent of the message, both from Session and our Social Justice commission, was to focus on the value and equitable treatment of the Black Community.
Why this coming week? There has been many moments through out 2020 that mark the year. Among these moments, the week in March when a virus known as COVID 19 shut down the world. The Sunday in October when we had in-person worship for the first time in six months. And, the Tuesday in May when the world watched on TV a man laying on the ground saying, “I can’t breathe”. This coming week marks a moment in history, among many, when a nation and a world reflected on the inequalities of racial ethnic groups that still exist in our society today.
Since our announcement, Session has received feedback from the Congregation. To ensure the intent of our social justice objective, Session has revised the message this week to read “Stop Racial Injustice”. We hope you join us in loving and valuing all God’s children. Today we start with the Black lives who deserve equitable, fair and respectful treatment. Mission del Sol will continue to seek opportunities to pursue Social Justice with all elements of the diverse community we live and serve in, not only with our words but with our actions.