We Believe

As Presbyterians (USA) above all we believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We welcome each person with open arms. We encourage an environment for everyone to grow in their faith journey. The core of our Presbyterian indentity is the theme of Grace and Gratitude.  

This grace is given through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.  This is our hope that in all things Jesus forgives us, loves us always and gives us grace through the Holy Spirit who guides us each day.  This grace is the foundation of our heritage from the Reformed tradition and its founder, John Calvin.

Gratitude is how we live out our life in Christ and we are thankful for the grace given by God, the love of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit.  In gratitude we gather to worship and praise our triune God, to share our lives together and serve others through mission and service.  

What we believe about...

  • God

    We believe that God is the loving Creator of all that exists. God is eternal, sovereign and completely good.  God exists in triune communion of the equal persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It is through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God the Father, and the Communion of the Holy Spirit that we are able to be in relationship with God.  It is through this holy union with our triune God that we might know and enjoy God forever.

  • Scripture is the inspired word of god

    The Bible is a living document that can help each of us encounter Jesus Christ, the Word of God through the Living Word of Scripture. The Bible was written by humans in a particular time and place. The Holy Spirit accompanied and guided the human writers of scripture, respecting their humanity in all its limitations and its conditioning by historical, social, and cultural context. We gather to study, learn, discuss and share the ways God is speaking through Scripture to us.

  • Priesthood of All Believers

    Presbyterians believe that all people, not just those who are ordained as ministers, have a dynamic relationship with God and are called to serve God through their unique gifts and talents. All are ministers of the gospel. The differences between pastors, elders, and lay leaders is that of function and not of calling.

  • Faith in Public Life

    We believe that our faith is not private. We are called to be God’s people in the church and in the public square. There is integration between what we believe and our lives in and among the world. We affirm that neither the Church nor Christians as individuals can be indifferent toward the wrong in the world. We affirm our responsibility to reveal God's grace in places of suffering and need, as we seek to learn the mind of Christ and act always in humilty and love.

  • All people are made in the image of God

    The writers of Genesis include the affirmation that God looked at all of creation and called it, “good.” All people, not in spite of who they are, but exactly because of who they are, are named as a part of God’s good creation and considered beloved.

  • Presbyterian

    The Greek word “presbuteros” meaning “elder”, used 72 times in the New Testament, provided the name for the Presbyterian family of churches which includes the Reformed churches of the world, both names designating churches of the Calvinist tradition.

  • Confessional Church

    The Presbyterian Church uses a Book of Confessions, which is a collection of confessions written by people in different times and places expressing how God is operating in a particular time and circumstance. As followers, we can look back and learn from those writings aware that documents of the past reflect the biases of history, while also sharing with us the wisdom and thinking of our ancestors.

  • Freedom of Conscience

    Freedom of conscience, as we use it in the life of the church, is the right to disagree. It is derived directly from this principle that ‘God alone is Lord of the conscience’ and that our consciences are thus bound to nothing other than Scripture. We realize that we don't always all agree and our differences help us understand each other and make us stronger.

  • How are we governed?

    We are governed by a series of representative leadership bodies. The leadership body in the local congregation is known as the Session, made up of elders elected from among the congregation. Presbytery  is the church’s regional body of leadership. Presbyteries consist of Presbyterian churches within a particular geographic area. We belong to Grand Canyon Presbytery. The greater regional body of the church is the Synod which is made up of presbyteries within a particular geographic area. Our presbytery belongs to the Synod of the Southwest. The national body of the Presbyterian church is the General Assembly. Meetings of the General Assembly occur every other year. All Presbyterian church bodies are governed by a constitution, which has two parts: Book of Confessions – the doctrinal statements that convey what the church believes and the Book of Order - the policies and procedures of the church to enable it to carry out its ministries.

  • Stewardship

    Stewardship is the way we live out our faith. We give of our time, talents and financial resources to God as an expression of our gratitude for all that God gives to us. We discover the joy of giving when we realize that stewardship begins the moment we confess Jesus as Lord. Each Sunday we practice this through the passing of our offering plates and sharing our resources for the ministries and missions of the church.

The stained glass images above are found in our sanctuary.  The vision was to have sun rays flowing from the cross located in the front of the sanctuary.  The artist is Barry Jerdee from the Artisan Glass Company.